Friday, June 17, 2011

Something that I just now thought of.

Unfortunately I do not read my Bible as much as I should. Thankfully for the past few nights I have been reading it every night before I go to sleep. I don't really have any type of devotion or anything to go by, because while I strongly believe that if God has a message for you he can make that your devotion for the day, I just rely on,opening my Bible trusting that God will guide me. I pray right before I get started that God will guide me to the place he wants me to go, and to no avail he leads me to exactly what I need every time. Which is not surprising to me in the least.
God always seems to work in the strangest most amazing ways in my life (which He knows is the best way to grab my attention.) and He never ceases to amaze me. I have learned to never give up on God, because that would be completely stupid and utterly ridiculous. I remember in the third grade, our teacher ws getting ready to hand out report cards. Now let me be very clear, third grade was torture for me. Between being the only left handed kid class trying to write in cursive, to memorizing those impossible multiplication tables, it was pretty difficult to say the least. So needless to say I was pretty nervous that my left-handed z's and q's were not up to par or that 12x7 was not what I had told Mrs. Easterling the day before. All I knew was that whenever I needed help, I needed to pray. I sat there and waited for my manila envelope to be placed on my desk praying as hard as I could, head bowed,eyes closed. It would have looked like a lonely game of heads up 7-up to a passer by, however one of my friends recognized instantly what I was doing.
"It's not going to help you know. It's too late now."
I didn't say anything,but I didn't quit praying either. I just knew that if God wanted me to have straight A's He could somehow alter my already etched in ink and Mrs.Easterling's handwriting B to an all important A if He so desired. The moment came and the envelope was placed on my desk. I opened it up with my little 8 year old fingers and lo and behold..... I still got a B. But I didn't feel bad about it, I didn't even get in trouble for it with my parents. I knew that I had done all I could do and that God had, for some reason, wanted me to have that B. So I saw no harm in that fact in the least.
Heretofore, don't ever give up on God and don't ever underestimate the power of prayer. You may not always get exactly what you want, but you will definitely get exactly what you need. After all, Father always knows best (especially the heavenly one).

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had made B's in third grade, that's what I prayed for. :) Love you sissy.
