Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oh yeah...

I have a blog! Haha I guess I should write in this thing more often, but I can't just sit down and write! I need inspiration! So what should I write about today? Well it seems to be the perfect time for me to blog since it's about 1:00 a.m. Because apparently that's the only time my brain works.

So what to say? What to say? Well let's see here, first of all I just realized today how extremely terrified I am of going to college. And I'm not even going anywhere remotely frightening. I mean I'm going to MECC for goodness sakes! I don't guess I am all that terrified of the school as I am the fact that I am not a little kid anymore. THAT scares the you-know-what outta me. Which I guess this is a good feeling, being grown up and being able to make my own decisions. But then again it's completely terrifying, not having anyone to fall back on. I mean of course I'll always have my amazing support system of a family and Daniel as well but they will tell you how much I hate having to ask for help making decisions.

I like to make my mind up for myself, whether it's about how I dress, how I act, or the people I interact with. Daniel can tell you all about that last one. He usually seems to have much better judge of character for people than I do. He can tell me a million times not to hang around somebody, but I never listen, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and make up my own mind about them. However 90% of the time he's right and I end up having to go out of my way to avoid people, whom I have brought upon myself. Maybe one day I'll listen, or maybe not.

See that's the great thing about it I can make up my own mind about how to think about the world and there's not a thing anyone can do about it. Because I'm just that hard headed and stubborn.

Anywho, that's my amazing blog post :) I figured I should do one since I hadn't in awhile. And in case you hadn't noticed, these blogs have no rhyme or reason. I just write whatever comes to mind at the time. I guess I should warn you that I have a couple of blogs that I have been working on that will be rather long. The first is just something silly that I'm trying to make hilarious. And the other is much more serious and I am just waiting for the right time to post it. So be on the lookout for those.

Well this was much less painful that I'd imagined. :)

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